NFL hip-drop tackle ban

The NFL is proposing a new rule to prohibit a dangerous tackle technique known as the “hip-drop tackle.” Officials say this tackling style, where a defender grabs the ball carrier and drops their hips and body weight onto the runner’s legs, has resulted in an injury rate up to 25 times higher than normal tackles. Now NFL hip-drop tackle ban.

Troy Vincent, the NFL’s Executive VP of Football Operations, stated, “As the guardians of the game, we have to remove this tackle from play.” The proposed rule would penalize defenders 15 yards for grabbing a runner with both arms and unwrapping themselves to land on the runner’s legs at or below the knee.

While the NFL Players Association and some players objected, citing potential confusion, officials clarified that they would likely enforce the rule similarly to illegal helmet use – issuing warning letters and fines after games rather than calling penalties during play. This allows time to educate and adjust to the new rules.

Other Proposed Rule Changes

The competition committee also proposed revamping kickoff rules, which Vincent feels optimistic will be approved. If passed, this change could increase kickoff returns by 3-5 yards per drive start on average, potentially boosting the league’s declining scoring numbers.

The NFL’s annual meeting next week will determine if these rule change proposals gain the required 24 owner votes for implementation in the upcoming season. NFL hip-drop tackle ban.


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